Literature review - LLIDA
Introduction to the study describing terminology choices and the reasons behind the study.
digital literacy, learning literacy, learning, education, digital capabilities, skills
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Literature review

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This section comprises the following parts:

  • review of theoretical fields and high level key concepts that have been deployed to help understand digital and learning literacies and a summary of the messages and implications
  • review of the changing context with evidence of the scale and scope of change
  • review of future scenarios likely to be of help in identifying future literacy requirements and trends
  • review of existing studies into how, in practice, learners’ literacies are changing and institutions are responding to their needs and Implications: pinch points for learning literacy provision

The preponderance of theoretical work over applied research in this field suggests a danger of digital literacies becoming a new orthodoxy: a set of terms to be laid over existing policies and institutional practices without any real changes to how learners experience their relationships with knowledge, learning and technology. We have tried to be alert to this danger in reporting our findings.

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Key concepts