Virtual transition: safe digital social opportunities
Type of snapshot
Learner led provision
What was the context for this snapshot?
Virtual Transition Project for Birmingham schools dealing with the transition of learners from primary to secondary school. Aiming to address the year 7 dip in attainment and to support the development of social relationships before moving into secondary school and learning from year 8 pupils what the school is really like. In 2008 involved 28 secondary school pupils and 300+ primary pupils.
What kind of learners were involved in accessing this provision or support?
Year 7, 8 or 9 trained as peer-mentors (trained to communicate senitively online Year 6 learners providing 24 hr access at school and home.
What skills or literacies were particularly being addressed?
Who provided the support? How was support provided?
Transition team offered joint training to School staff (teachers or mentors) and Peer mentors over two weeks. Year 6 pupils were offered a 3 week programme in June/july prior to moving to new school. this involved a number of activities to facilitate consideration of certain aspects of life within their new school. SEAL materials were used to support the training.
Benefits, outcomes, and lessons learned
Benefits to Year 6 pupils:
Benefits to year 7,8,9 peer mentors
Benefits to school